Friday, October 3, 2008

Once More

Wanted to see the flowers one more time on the church office grounds. Lori came up from Lehi and we met Becky and Annette who both work downtown nearby for lunch and took a few pictures.
Conference is this weekend and soon after the flowers will be pulled out to make room for planting pansies. So we had to come ONCE MORE! Lots of conference visitors were already browsing the grounds and taking pictures. Saw a few brides, too. Perfect day for a wedding.
We had lunch at the Lion House. With temps still in the 80's we enjoyed eating out on the patio.
The geraniums along the street were just huge. Had to take one more picture before leaving.....until next spring....good-by to the beauty of colorful flowers.


Arnold said...

They certainly are beautiful flower beds but they've got serious competition from these lovely women. Thanks for sharing.

Julie said...

Guess I had my once more a few weeks ago!

Porter said...

Nancy...I am so sad I am not your neighbor anymore. Where were those apples when I lived there. I love to make apple pie with fresh apples. It looks like you had plenty left over for me too!!!! Boo Hoo!! I miss you guys and your yard in the pictures looks AMAZING!!!! Beautiful flowers...what were you giving them miracle grow? Sorry about the lawn mower story, that definitely sounds like something I would do. I know I did something similar this year. The only time I have mowed the lawn or tried in my whole life was this summer and I put a different ratio of fuel in the mower too. Gary said I used the wrong red can. But, how was I to know. It wasn't marked.
Thank goodness it didn't do any damage it just ran richer...I think. Anyway, nice to see your cute pics. I will keep checking. Fun to see pics of your yard and stuff from home. Love ya, Karyn Porter