Saturday, December 26, 2009

Pedal Cake

I had mentioned in my last blog that I would take a picture of the "pedal cake" I made for Lynda's birthday. I big holiday called Christmas came up so I didn't get it in the blog the next day so here it is now.
It looks like flower pedals so I guess that's why I call it "pedal cake". My brother, Ken, calls it "shower cap cake" cause way back when, probably the '60's, I had a fancy pink swimming cap that looked like flower pedals all over it. Back in those days fancy caps were the big "in" thing to use.
Anyway this is it....aren't you impressed.......


Carolyn Loveridge said...

It looks delicious.

Arnold said...

I really hate to do this but bicycles have pedals and flowers have petals. When I googled pedal cake I got nothing relevant but when I googled petal cake I got examples from Brides magazine, etc. I think you mean Petal Cake.

Nancy said...

Well, eye had two right something too get aye response from ewe even if it wasn't write. Sew, what else is knew?