Sunday, June 29, 2008

Noah and the Ark

Saturday, June 28th, Bernell made his debut as Noah in a local West Bountiful parade. Our Stake was assigned this year to do a float for the 24th of July Parade so many people have spent countless hours designing and putting this thing together.

The elephants squirted water out their trunks, the giraffe moved up and down, and the hippo's blew bubbles out the back.
Bernell heard some parents say to their kids, "There's Noah." And he could hear the kid's reply, "No, that's not Noah; Noah's my brother."

Bernell will be Noah 3 more times-the Centerville (July 4th), Bountiful (July 23rd), and Salt Lake (July 24th) parades.

Guess we'll get our fill of parades this year!

1 comment:

Julie said...

We can't wait to see this live! Way to go dad!