Thursday, March 5, 2009

It's Finished!!!

I've finally finished making our
"2008 Family Movie DVD." Started it the end of January. After learning the new program, mistake frustration, pestering Bernell, and computer overload, I spent more than 100 hours putting it together.

I made one last year of the twins, Ava and Liam's first year, and decided it would be fun to make a new one of all the movies and pictures I took of family gatherings, trips, etc. Total time to watch - 1 hr and 15 min. A bit long but will be enjoyable for years to come.

Would love to have had this kind of technology when our daughters were growing up. Have to see if the few old fashion movies we have can be converted for use this way. Wouldn't that be fun!!!!


Becky said...

And you did a wonderful job on the DVD. It's fun to watch, even if I've had the music you used going through my head for the past month.

Julie said...

Yeah! Can't wait to see it!

Megan Parr said...

*tiptoe....through the tulips!!* I'm sure Becky loved hearing that over and over. :) It's an awesome movie (well at least what I've seen), and I love the "happy birthday" song at every...single...birthday! :)

Porter said...

So cool! Way to go!