Saturday, March 21, 2009

Still Running

I had a load of towels to wash. Put them in and left the room. Came back half an hour later and the towels were still soaking in a washer full of water. OK, guess it's time for a new one. Been wondering how much longer this old thing would last. Bought it in 1972! Raised 4 daughters with this thing keeping their clothes smelling good. And this thing kept linens and rugs, etc. clean, too.
Well....Bernell took a look at it, pulled the front and back panel off, pulled the lead to each of the different controls in and out once, punched the controls and off she went, humming her good old tune again. Finished the load of towels and it's still keeping us clean! Who says a CAT has 9 lives?


Kristi said...

THAT is amazing!! You must have good luck with appliances!

Becky said...

Yep, and the washer has had a busy day today with my bedding and drapes and is at this moment contentedly spinning my jeans.

Julie said...

Okay, I just left a comment, but it's not showing up. That's fine though, since I wanted to add more.
I get a kick out of the energy star magnets stuck on your washer since it was made way before the little star even was thought of.

Porter said...

It must be a GE? I had Gary's Grandma's washer and dryer for a long time. Then we finally bought a new washer from Charlie Fuller, but still had the dryer. Then when we moved back here the house came with new ones. I sold them to someone else. I hope they are still working! But, good for you! Old appliances waaaaayyyyy outlast the new ones. :)