Monday, September 28, 2009

Ensign Picture

Not often we get to see a picture of a family
member in a magazine. But this time
we get the honors of claiming Becky in
the October Ensign. She works in the
new Church History Library so they used
this one of her on page 40. Check it out!


Becky said...

Yes, I'm so famous that no one's ever heard of me! They took better photos than that one that day, so I wonder why they picked that particular one. That photo was taken last April when the movers and Church History staff moved the entire Church Archives collection to the Library storage. It was a big (and cold!) job as we had to both physically move the items and electronically "move" them in the catalogue.

Arnold said...

Thanks for the additional insight, Becky. It looks like it must have been cold since you're wearing a fairly heavy coat and working as well.

Thanks for alerting us to the picture, Nancy.

Julie said...

Guess I'd better take a peek!